The 19th EUSUHM-Congress took place in Leuven (BELGIUM) from 6 to 8 September 2017. The Congress was organised by the Centre for Youth Health Care and the Student Health Centre of University of Leuven (KUL), in close collaboration with the Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care (VWVJ).
EUSUHM-Congres 2017 Leuven

With 'Mind the gap! Building bridges to health for all young people' as central theme, these questions form the basis of this 19th EUSUHM Congress:
- How can we bridge the gap of health inequalities and guarantee equal access to care for all children and young people, irrespective of their diverse social and cultural backgrounds?
- How can we organize and maintain continuous preventive health care from birth to adolescence and young adulthood in the entire European Region?
- How can we make the most of new and promising scientific and professional developments to achieve more effective Youth Health Care in the future?
Welcome and opening of the Congress: Susanne Stronski (President EUSUHM), Karel Hoppenbrouwers (Organising Committee)
Opening Lectures
- ‘A new, dynamic concept of health and its operationalisation into ‘Positive Health’. Beyond prevention towards strengthening health and resilience – Huber Machteld, Institute for Positive Health, Amersfoort (THE NETHERLANDS)
- Health care from a children’s rights perspective – Vanobbergen Bruno, Children’s Rights Commissioner, Brussels (BELGIUM)
Plenary Session I
- The Amsterdam Healthy Weight Program, an example of an integral programmatic approach on tackling health inequalities - Karen Den Hertog, Amsterdam Healthy Weight Program, Municipality of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (THE NETHERLANDS)
- Growing up in a sexualized media culture: effects of media on adolescents’ sexual development – Eggermont Steven, Leuven School for Mass Communication Research, KU Leuven University, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Parallel Sessions I and Workshop 1
Session 1: High Quality Youth Health Care: competent professionals, evidence-based care and client-involvement
- European approaches to the qualification of healthcare delivery in the school system applied to the school system in Russia – Kuchma Vladislav, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Sokolova, Federal State Autonomous Institution “National Scientific and Practical Centre”, Moscow (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Youth Health Care on the move – Van Leerdam Frank, Health Care Inspectorate, Heerlen (NETHERLANDS)
The first four years of adolescent medicine in Finland – Hermanson Elina, City of Helsinki, Espoo; Kaltiala-Heino Riittakerttu, Tampere University, Tampere; Kotiranta Anna, Children’s Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki; Kunttu Kristina, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku; Kuortti Marjo, Tampere Health Centre, Tampere; Mäki Pirjo, University of Oulu, Oulu; Suhonen Satu, City of Helsinki, Helsinki; Kosola Silja, City of Helsinki, Helsinki (FINLAND)
Academic Collaborative Centre Twente: enhancing care for vulnerable children! – Boere-Boonekamp Magda, University of Twente, Enschede; Haasnoot Riet, GGD Twente, Enschede; Braun Margriet, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Enschede; Cerneus Marlie, GGD Twente, Enschede (NETHERLANDS)
Customer involvement in future oral health services of Finnish Student Health Services – Komulainen Anne, Chief Dental of Finnish Student Health Service, Helsinki (FINLAND)
The opinion of the parents in determining strategies to protect the health of schoolchildren – Rapoport Irina, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Mirskaya Natalia, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Panina Olga, University school of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Session 2: Health and education in schoolchildren
- Overview of pediatric health examinations among school beginners in Germany. Identifying health needs for adequate health promotion at schools – Trost-Brinkhues Gabriele, Pediatric Public Health Working Group/BVÖGD; Ellsäßer Gabrielle, Brandenburger State Office of Occupational Safety, Consumer Protection and Health, Brandenburg (GERMANY)
Predictors of educational attainment – Karin Željka, Institute of Public Health, Split and Dalmatian County, Split (CROATIA)
Healthy four-year-old, the healthy first-grader? – Hietanen Merja, Ylöjärvi; Hermanson Elina, School Health Care, Helsinki; Kosunen Elise, Tampere University, Tampere (FINLAND)
School disadaptation in children with disharmony of physical development – Skoblina Nataliya, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Care for Children and Adolescents, Moscow; Goncharova Galina, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Care for Children and Adolescents, Moscow; Nadezhdin Dmitriy, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Care for Children and Adolescents, Moscow (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
View on medical absenteeism in primary schools: How can the approach Medical Advice for Sick-reported Students (MASS) be adjusted? – Pijl Esther, GGD West-Brabant, Breda; Vanneste Yvonne, GGD West-Brabant, Breda; Matthijssen Jolanda, Tranzo, Tilburg; De Rijk Angelique, Maastricht University, Maastricht; Feron Frans, Maastricht University, Maastricht (NETHERLANDS)
Physical development and anxiety level of Belarusian schoolchildren – Guzik Elena, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk (REPUBLIC OF BELARUS)
Session 3: Prevention and early detection of non-communicable disease
- Influence of environmental factors at appearance of atopic diseases among students – Karovska Mimi, Public Health Care Kavadarci, Kavadarci; Lazovska Margarita, Health Care Centre for Schoolchildren and Adolescents, Skopje; Karovska Pavlova Marina, Gynecology and Obstetrician Hospital “Mother Teresa”, Skopje; Dimitrovska Nikolovska Vesna, State of Sanitary and Health Inspectorate, Skopje; Menkovska Vera, State of Sanitary and Health Inspectorate, Skopje (MACEDONIA)
Condition of posture, spine and malocclusion of 11-12 years old schoolchildren – Khramtsov Petr, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Sedova Anna, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Kravchenko Galina, Zemskaya gymnasium, Balashikha, Moscow region; Karpova Elena, Balashikha’s dental clinic, Balashikha, Moscow region (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Men’s health in school and adolescent health service in Croatia – Jureša Vesna, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Musil Vera, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Majer Marjeta, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (CROATIA)
The development of an updated Youth Health Care guideline on heart defects – Deurloo Jacqueline, TNO, Leiden; Heerdink Nen, TNO Leiden; Lanting Caren, TNO, Leiden (NETHERLANDS)
Predictive value of overweight in early detection of metabolic syndrome in schoolchildren –Majer Marjeta, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Musil Vera, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Jureša Vesna, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Musić Milanović Sanja, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb; Missoni, Saša, Institute for Antropological Research, Zagreb (CROATIA)
A multifactorial approach to assess metabolic and vascular health in Slovenian school children – Vogrin Bernarda, Pedenjped d.o.o., Lenart; Slak Rupnik Marjan, Medical faculty, University of Maribor, Maribor; Mičetić Turk Dušanka, Medical faculty, University of Maribor, Maribor (SLOVENIA)
Session 4: Mental health: good practices for adolescents and students
- MindMates, together our minds can achieve greater things – Akhtar Samira, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Neyskens Anne, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Bruffaerts Ronny, Research Group Psychiatry, University of Leuven, Leuven; Mortier Philippe, Research Group Psychiatry, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Mental health and differences in the use of mental health care services between students of academic universities and universities of applied sciences – Kuusela Maisa, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku; Kunttu Kristina, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku (FINLAND)
Early detection of adolescent mental health problems through school health care in Flanders: a feasibility study with an adapted version of the Youth Monitor Rotterdam – Kluppels Kristel, Pupil Guidance Centre De Wissel, Antwerp; Portzky Gwendolyn, University of Ghent, Ghent; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Bridging the gap: Preventive Health Check responds to unmet needs of adolescents – Meuwissen Liesbeth, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; Eshuis Dianne, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; Geuzendam Cathy, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; de Jong Nicole, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; Schuiling Carolijn, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten (NETHERLANDS)
Sleepless at KU Leuven – Van Houdenhove Liesbet, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Workshop 1: “Look… a child” Join us! Together we construct an integral, personalized 360°CHILDocs (CHILD-PROFILE)”
“Look… a child!” Join us! Together we construct integral, personalized Child-profiles conform “360°CHILDoc” - Weijers Miriam, GGD Zuid Limburg, Geleen; Feron Frans, Maastricht University, Maastricht; Bastiaenen Carolien, Maastricht University, Maastricht (NETHERLANDS)
Parallel Sessions II and Workshops 2-3
Session 5: Good Practice in Youth Health Care
- Insight in the implementation conditions of good practices within the context of varying models of primary care in EU countries – Kocken Paul, TNO, Leiden; Zoonen Renate, TNO, Leiden; Vlasblom Eline, TNO, Leiden; Van Kesteren Nicole, TNO, Leiden (NETHERLANDS)
Family centers, creating equal opportunities for all children and their families – Jacobs Kathy, Kind en Gezin, Brussels; De Schuymer Leen, Kind en Gezin, Brussels (BELGIUM)
School health care as part of multidisciplinary pupil welfare in Finnish schools – Hietanen-Peltola Marke, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki; Pelkonen Marjaana, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Helsinki (FINLAND)
Brigittenauer Gymnasium “It’s all about diversity”. The only secondary school in the poorest district of vienna as model of best practice: a field report – Sasshofer Margit, Vienna Board of Education/SSR für Wien, Vienna (AUSTRIA)
Shared decision-making by Youth Health Care professionals and clients in the assessment of needs: development, implementation and research – Kamphuis Mascha, JGZ Zuid Holland West, Zoetermeer; Bontje Marjanne, GGD Hollands Midden, Leiden; De Ronde Ruben, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden; Maas Nelleke, GGD Hart voor Brabant, Den Bosch; Crone Matty, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden (NETHERLANDS)
The preventive medical check-up of university freshmen – De Grooff Suzanne, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Session 6: Preventive care for vulnerable children and adolescents
- Migration status and health and behaviours in children schooled in Brussels – Méroc Estelle, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Lebacq Thérésa, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Moreau Nathalie, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Dujeu Maud, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Pedroni Camille, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Godin Isabelle, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Castetbon Katia, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel (BELGIUM)
School doctors in Austria provide medical supply for children and adolescents independent from the socioeconomic status of their families – Huber-Stuhlpfarrer Angela, GSÖ, Graz (AUSTRIA)
Health and wellbeing for Portugese Youth: Contribution of National School Health Program – Amann Gregoria, Directorate General of Health, Lisbon; Leal Paula, Health Sciences School, Nursing Department, Setubal (PORTUGAL)
Exploring the experience of newly arrived migrant and refugee students with the preventive school health service and referral to primary health care – Hertogen Jo, Pupil Guidance Centre Antwerp, Mechelen; Van Hal Guido, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen (BELGIUM)
Who benefits from school doctor’s health checks: a pilot for a multicentre study in Finland – Nikander Kirsi, University of Helsinki, Helsinki; Kosola Silja, University of Helsinki, Helsinki; Kulathinal Sangita, University of Helsinki, Helsinki; Kaila Minna, University of Helsinki, Helsinki; Hermanson Elina, School and Student Health Services, Helsinki (FINLAND)
The value of longitudinal studies of schoolchildren’s health in achieving a more effective youth health care in the future – Rapoport Irina, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Sukhareva Ludmila, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Session 7: Infectious diseases and vaccination
- The Belgian nasopharyngeal carriage study of S. pneumoniae in healthy infants attending day-care centers and in infants with acute otitis media – Wouters Ine, University of Antwerp, Antwerp; Desmet Stefanie, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven; Van Heirstraeten Liesbet, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Standaert Katty, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven; Lammens Christine, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Verhaegen Jan, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven; Goossens Herman, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Van Damme Pierre, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Malhotra-Kumar Surbhi, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Theeten Heidi, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen (BELGIUM)
Childhood vaccination uptake in Flanders in four EPI-surveys between 2005 and 2016 – Theeten Heidi, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Braeckman Tessa, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Roelants Mathieu, University of Leuven, Leuven; Blaizot Stephanie, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Hens Niel, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Maertens Kirsten, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven; Van Damme Pierre, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Vandermeulen Corinne, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Estonian pupil’s immunization coverage and the affecting factors – Lepp Kädi, Foundation for School Health Care in Tallinn, Tallinn (ESTONIA)
What is the role of herd immunity in the decision making process of parents to their children (not) to get vaccinated – Sannen Nikea, Pupil Guidance Centre Kempen, Hasselt; Verelst Frederik, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Theeten Heidi, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen (BELGIUM)
Vaccine hesitancy versus vaccine confidence in Flanders – Vandermeulen Corinne, University of Leuven, Leuven; Roelants Mathieu, University of Leuven, Leuven; Braeckman Tessa, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Maertens Kirsten, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Van Damme Pierre, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven; Theeten Heidi, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen (BELGIUM)
Vaccination coverage and determinants of under-immunization in immunocompromised children – Lise Boey, Leuven University Vaccinology Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Spiesen Tine, Leuven University Vaccinology Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Loix Stéphanie, Leuven University Vaccinology Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Roelants Mathieu, Environment and Health, University of Leuven, Leuven; Knops Noël, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven; Meyts Isabelle, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven; Vandermeulen Corinne, Leuven University Vaccinology Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Session 8: Mental health: intervention strategies for students
- Various paths in the treatment of depression of college students – Deckers Laura, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Vleugels Kathleen, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Depression support groups – do they work and what are the benefits in a group versus individual counseling in the eyes of the student? – Wikström Tina, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku; Lusenius Merja, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku (FINLAND)
The strength of a multidisciplinary approach towards students with an eating problem – Schoukens Sigrid, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Sisk Maura, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Academic engagement and burnout profiles among Finnish university and applied-university students – Marttinen Elina, Nyyti ry, Helsinki; Read Sanna, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London; Salmela-Aro Katariina, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla (FINLAND)
Better to prevent than cure: A psycho-educational program for stress control for students at KU Leuven – Plessers Kirsten, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven; Sools Johan, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Mentalization-based group therapy in the treatment of university students with unstable personality disorder – Minna Martin, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku; Keinänen Matti, Poliklinikka Toivola, Turku; Linfors Olavi, Finland (FINLAND)
Workshop 2: Reported sick from school: a challenge for Youth Health Care
Reported sick from school: a challenge for Youth Health Care - Vanneste Yvonne, GGD West-Brabant, Tilburg; Feron Frans, Maastricht University, Maastricht (NETHERLANDS)
Workshop 3: Youth Health Nurses and the European Framework
Youth Health Nurses and the European Framework - Bulcke Monica, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care (VWVJ), Leuven (BELGIUM); Bakker Betty, Verpleegkundigen en Verzorgenden Nederland (V&VN) (NETHERLANDS)
General Assembly EUSUHM
Plenary Session III
- Relational and sexual development during emerging adulthood: should we focus on problems or pleasure? – Enzlin Paul, Interfaculty Institute for Family and Sexual Studies, KU Leuven University, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Dealing with mental disorders in college: a 21th century public health approach – Bruffaerts Ronny, Centre for Public Health Psychiatry, Dept. Neurosciences, KU Leuven; University Psychiatric Centre, KU Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Parallel Sessions III and Workshops 4-5
Session 9: ICT in Youth Health Care
- Groei (Growth) App messages, an innovative way of preventive education to parents with young children? – Kesler Anneke, GGD Amsterdam, Bloemendaal; Huisden Barbara, GGD Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NETHERLANDS)
A new ICT growth monitoring tool to detect unbalanced growth and abnormal growth velocity in children 0 to 3 years in Flanders – Duytschaever Birgit, Kind en Gezin, Gent; Roelants Mathieu, University of Leuven, Leuven; Eggermont Rita, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Callebaut Walter, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; De Ronne Nadine, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Appointment reminder for the Well-baby clinics: text reminder as best method for the most deprived parents – Eggermont Rita, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Estonian School Health Management Information System (EKTIS) – Saar Kristina, Foundation for School Health Care in Tallinn, Tallinn (ESTONIA)
Electronic data transfer system between well baby clinic and school health system to improve hearing screening protocols – Boelaert Kristel, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Eggermont Rita, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Lenssen Jan, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Session 10: Preventive care for vulnerable infants, toddlers and families
- VoorZorg related programs: A continuing and effective way to support deprived families – Struijf Elle, GGD Hollands Noorden & NCJ, Alkmaar; Van den Heijkant Silvia, Free University Medical Centre Amsterdam (NETHERLANDS)
Family supporters, bridging the gap between vulnerable families and services – Jacobs Kathy, Kind en Gezin, Brussels; Braye Heidi, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Post-up Study: Effectiveness of screening for postpartum depression in well-child care – van der Zee Angarath, University of Twente, Enschede; Boere-Boonekamp Magda, University of Twente, Enschede; Groothuis-Oudshoorn CGM, University of Twente, Enschede; Haasnoot-Smallegange ME, GGD Twente, Enschede; Reijneveld SA, University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen (NETHERLANDS)
Prevalence of risk factors for Sudden Infant Dead Syndrome in the Netherlands – Konijnendijk Annemieke, University of Twente, Enschede; Boere-Boonekamp Magda, University of Twente, Enschede; Engelberts Adèle, Zuyderland Medical Centre, Sittard; L’Hoir Monique, GGD Noord- en Oost-Gelderland, Warnsveld (NETHERLANDS)
Working together: Implementation of a policy for the prevention of child abuse in Flanders (Belgium) by Child & Family (Kind & Gezin) – Van Assche Veerle, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Van Gogh Majori, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
In-house consultation to support professionals’ responses to child maltreatment: Determinants of use and association with guideline adherence – Konijnendijk Annemieke, University of Twente, Enschede; Boere-Boonekamp Magda, University of Twente, Enschede; Kaya Hannah, University of Twente, Enschede; Haasnoot Riet, GGD Twente, Enschede; Need Ariana, University of Twente, Enschede (NETHERLANDS)
Session 11: Growth and development
- Large proportion of children 0-15 years in The Hague (the Netherlands) takes insufficient vitamin D supplements, irrespective of ethnicity – De Wilde Jeroen, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden; Van der Meer Irene, GGD Haaglanden, Den Haag; Van der Harst Selma, CJG Den Haag, Den Haag; Van Plateringen Micheline, CJG Den Haag, Den Haag (NETHERLANDS)
Growth references of knee height for children with Cerebral Palsy in Flanders – Allemon Heidelinde, University of Leuven, Leuven; Geeraert Fien, Dominiek Savio Instituut, Gits; Prinzie Peter, Erasmus University, Rotterdam; De Schepper Jean, University of Brussels, Brussel; Roelants Mathieu, University of Leuven, Leuven; Ortibus Els, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Stunting wasting and underweight in Dutch and South Asian children 0-5 years in the Netherlands. A comparison of ethnic specific and WHO references – De Wilde Jeroen, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden; Koning Marijke, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden; Middelkoop Barend, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden (NETHERLANDS)
Assessment of the weight status using the Body Mass Index (BMI) in 24 months old children – Roelants Mathieu, University of Leuven, Leuven; Vancoppenolle Diederik, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; De Ronne Nadine, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Characteristics of the Growth Dynamics of Moscow school children - Kuchma Vladislav, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Sukhareva, Federal State Autonomous Institution “National Scientific and Practical Centre”, Moscow; Skoblina, Federal State Autonomous Institution “National Scientific and Practical Centre”, Moscow (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Session 12: Sexual and reproductive health in adolescents and young adults
- The experience of sexuality, somatic and mental health among university students in Finland – Koiso-Kanttila Sini, Finnish Student Health Service, Helsinki; Vilska Sirpa, Finnish Student Health Service, Helsinki; Pesonen Tommi, Pharma Ltd, Turku; Kunttu Kristina, Finnish Student Health Service, Helsinki (FINLAND)
- “How satisfied are you with your sex life?” – conversation starter for a sensitive topic – Posavec Marija, Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Zagreb; Kuzman Marina, Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Zagreb; Tešić Vanja, Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Zagreb; Petričević Nina, Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Zagreb (CROATIA)
The impact of early attachment relationships to sexual wellbeing among university students in Finland – Tossavainen Marjo, Finnish Student Health Service, Tampere (FINLAND)
Reproductive health and Generation Z – Musil Vera, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Majer Marjeta, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Jureša Vesna, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Crvenković Martina, General Practitioner Office Snježana Blažinović, Zagreb; Buterin Iva, Health Centre Zagreb East, Zagreb; Bubalo Petra, University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb; Lukša Lea, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb; Kustura Antonia, Family Medicine Specialist Office Nevenka Križić, Zagreb (CROATIA)
Wellbeing of Finnish university students aroused by the same sex – Floréen Mikko, Finnish Student Health Service, Helsinki (FINLAND)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in university students – Talboom Ive, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Remote service improves the diagnosis of sexually transmitted chlamydia among university students – Kari Hanna, Finnish Student Health Service, Helsinki; Floréen Mikko, Finnish Student Health Service, Helsinki (FINLAND)
Workshop 4: Building optimal models for Primary Child Health Care
Building Optimal Models for Primary Child Health Care - Kocken Paul, TNO, Leiden; Nicole van Kesteren, TNO, Leiden; Jansen Danielle, University of Groningen, Groningen (NETHERLANDS)
Workshop 5: HPV vaccination programs in Europe, lessons learnt and the way forward
- HPV vaccination programs in Europe, lessons learnt and the way forward - Van Damme Pierre & Vorsters Alex, Center for the evaluation of vaccination, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, and HPV prevention and control board (BELGIUM)
HPV vaccination program in the UK, “warts & all” - Skule Rene & Edelsten Miriam, General Practitioners, School Health Officers, Medical Officers of School Association (UNITED KINGDOM)
HPV vaccination program in Switzerland, lessons learnt and the way forward - Stronski Susanne, Pediatrician, MPH (SWITZERLAND)
Implementation of Gender Neutral Vaccination (GNV) through National School Preventive Health Care Programs and self-funded Local Programs in Slovenia – Schweiger Nemanic Janja, Health Community Centre of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SLOVENIA)
HPV vaccination program in Macedonia, lessons learnt and the way forward – Karovska Mimi, Health Care Centre for Schoolchildren and Adolescents, Kavadarci (MACEDONIA)
HPV vaccination program in Finland, lessons learnt and the way forward – Ignatius Anelli, School and Well baby clinic doctor, Tuusula (FINLAND)
HPV vaccination program in Croatia – step forward, back two? – Ferencic Vrban Neda, Health care centre for school children and adolescents, Dr. Andrija Štampar Institute of Public Health, Zagreb (CROATIA)
HPV vaccination program in Belgium, lessons learnt and the way forward – Vandermeulen Corinne, Leuven University Vaccinology Center, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Parallel Sessions IV and Workshops 6-7
Session 13: Early detection of vision impairment
- Screening for amblyopia in Belgium – La Grange Nancy, Service of Ophtalmology, University Hospitals Ghent, Gent (BELGIUM)
Screening for amblyogenic defects: results and experiences 4 years after introduction of the program in Flanders – Boelaert Kristel, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Lameir Anja, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Deguffroy Evelyne, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Vision screening results in Flemish 3-4 years old children since the introduction of the PlusoptiX Eye Screener at the ages of 12-14 months (2011-2016) - Guérin Cécile, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; Van Hoeck Katelijne, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; De Keyser Moniek, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Vision screening in Primary Youth Health Care: can it be improved by using an autorefractive device? – Van der Ploeg Catharina, TNO, Leiden; Vlasblom Eline, TNO, Leiden; Eekhout Iris, TNO, Leiden; Van Dijk-van der Poel Jolande, CJG Den Haag, Den Haag; Van Minderhout Ellen, Haaglanden Medisch Centrum, Den Haag; Van den Akker Elske, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, Lanting Caren, TNO, Leiden; Verkerk Paul, TNO, Leiden (NETHERLANDS)
Session 14: Equal access to care and education for children with special needs
- The Capacity Profile (CAP): bridging the gap between impairments and participation for children with special needs – Ligtenstein-Teuns Anneke, GGD Amsterdam, Nibbixwoud; Zijlstra, Department of Youth Health, Amsterdam; Meester-Delver, Department of Rehabilitation, Amsterdam (NETHERLANDS)
Exploratory research on the implementation of the M-Decree in pupil guidance centres – Dobbels Marleen, Inspectorate, Oostkamp; Van Rie Trui, Inspectorate, Oostkamp; Vandervee Regine, Inspectorate, Oostkamp; Inghelbrecht Veerle, Inspectorate, Oostkamp; Desmyttere Annemarie, Inspectorate, Oostkamp; Coopman Béatrice, Inspectorate, Oostkamp; Franquet Wendy, Inspectorate, Oostkamp (BELGIUM)
Specific language impairment is associated with maternal and family factors – Diepeveen Babette, TNO, Leiden; Van Dommelen Paula, TNO, Leiden; Oudesluys-Murphy Anne Marie, Willem-Alexander Children’s Hospital, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden; Verkerk Paul, TNO, Leiden (NETHERLANDS)
School integration of children treated for a brain tumor – Vanclooster Stephanie, University of Brussels, Brussel; Bilsen Johan, University of Brussels, Brussel; Peremans Lieve, University of Brussels, Brussel; Jansen Anna, University of Brussels, Brussel (BELGIUM)
The relationship of dystonia and choreoathetosis with activity, participation and quality of life in children and youth with dyskinetic cerebral palsy – Monbaliu Elegast, University of Leuven, Leuven; Fabienne De Boeck, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; De Cock Paul, University of Leuven, Leuven; Mailleux Lisa, University of Leuven, Leuven; Dan Bernard, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Feys Hilde, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Comparison of regulations of multidisciplinary diagnostic settings for children with a neurobiological developmental delay or disorder in Flanders – Cloet Eva, University of Brussels, Brussel; De Meirleir Linda, University of Brussels, Brussel; Dan Bernard, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Session 15: Health-related behaviour in schoolchildren and students
- Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey in French-speaking Belgium; what is changing between primary and secondary school? – Lebacq Thérésa, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Méroc Estelle, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Moreau Nathalie, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Dujeu Maud, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Pedroni Camille, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Godin Isabelle, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel; Castetbon Katia, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Health Behaviours of School-aged Children in Russia: New trends – Kuchma Vladislav, National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health, Moscow; Sokolova, Federal State Autonomous Institution “National Scientific and Practical Centre”, Moscow; Kuchma, Federal State Autonomous Institution “National Scientific and Practical Centre”, Moscow (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Trends in the consumption of soft drinks, sweets and chocolate among Finnish university students – Vuorinen Annukka, Finnish Student Health Service, Tampereen Yliopisto; Tipuri Marjo, Finnish Student Health Service, Tampereen Yliopisto; Kunttu Kristina, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku (FINLAND)
Substances abuse among medical students of the university of Zagreb – Majer Marjeta, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Musil Vera, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Jureša Vesna, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (CROATIA)
To use or not to use: studying with stimulants and partying with alcohol – Monsieur Dirk, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Internet use among undergraduate higher education students: findings from Finnish University Student Health Survey – Miettinen Hanna, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio; Sormunen Marjorita, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio; Tossavainen Marjo, Finnish Student Health Service, Tampere; Kunttu Kristina, Finnish Student Health Service, Turku; Turunen Hannele, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio (FINLAND)
Birth control in university students – De Roy Rikka, Student Health Centre, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Workshop 6: Youth Health Care guidelines for anxiety and depression
Youth Health Care guidelines for anxiety and depression - Sinnema Henny, Trimbos Institute, Utrecht; Buiting Elise, GGD Hart van Brabant, Den Bosch; Dijkema Manje, GGD Hollands Noorden, Alkmaar (NETHERLANDS)
Workshop 7: Early detection of parenting and developmental problems in young children: development, results and implementation of the SPARK method
- Early detection of parenting and developmental problems in young children: a structured dialogue with parents – Staal Ingrid, GGD Zeeland, Goes (NETHERLANDS)
- Determining the caregiver burden and capabilities of parents with young children using the SPARK – De Ru Japke, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht; Van Stel Henk, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht; Staal Ingrid, GGD Zeeland, Goes; Van Driessche Anne, GGD Zeeland (NETHERLANDS)
- Assessing concerns and care needs of expectant parents: development, validity and reliability of a structured interview (preSPARK) – Van Driessche Anne, GGD Zeeland, Goes; Staal Ingrid, GGD Zeeland, Goes; Van Stel Henk, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht; De Ru Japke, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (NETHERLANDS)
- Early detection of parenting and developmental problems for children of 18 months old: implementation and feasibility of the SPARK in Flanders – Deschoemaeker Maaike, Kind en Gezin, Rumbeke; Staal Ingrid, GGD Zeeland, Goes; Van Stel Henk, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM & NETHERLANDS)
Parallel Sessions V and Workshops 8-9
Session 16: Early detection of hearing impairment
- Neonatal Hearing Screening Program in Wallonia and Brussels – Bénédicte Vos, Ecole de Santé Publique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussel (BELGIUM) (30 minutes)
Early detection of hearing loss (0-18 years) – Update of a guideline for Dutch Youth Health – Deurloo Jacqueline, TNO, Leiden; Lanting Caren, TNO, Leiden; Wiefferink Karin, Dutch Foundation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child, Amsterdam; Uilenburg Noelle, Dutch Foundation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child, Amsterdam (NETHERLANDS)
The development of a hearing screening test based on sound-perception-in-noise – Denys Sam, University of Leuven, Leuven; De Laat J, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden; Dreschler W, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam; Rashid MS, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam; Sels L, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam; Hofmann Michael, University of Leuven, Leuven; Wouters Jan, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM & NETHERLANDS)
First results of a new systematic hearing screening program using an automated adaptive Speech-in-Noise (SPIN) test in Flemish School Health Care – Guérin Cécile, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; Van Hoeck Katelijne, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; Denys Sam, University of Leuven, Leuven; Van Wieringen, University of Leuven, Leuven; Wouters Jan, University of Leuven, Leuven; De Keyser Moniek, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Session 17: Overweight and obesity in children: risk factors and prevention strategies
- Daily physical education as part of holistic health promotion in Hungary – successful intersectoral cooperation – Somhegyi Annamaria, National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest (HUNGARY)
Moving babies: a campaign with nursery rhymes in Flanders (Belgium) – Eggermont Rita, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Pintor Luque Angela, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Van Swalm Frank, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Evaluation of the preventive care chain for overweight children in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands: study design – De Laat Sanne, Tranzo/GGD Hart voor Brabant, Dongen; Jacobs Monique, GGD Hart voor Brabant, ‘s-Hertogenbosch; Van Mil Edgard, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch; Van de Goor Ien, Tranzo, Tilburg (NETHERLANDS)
The impact of perceived physical and social environmental characteristics on sedentary behaviours of residents from low-SES neigbourhoods – Eggermont Rita, Kind en Gezin, Brussel; Malkaya Yonca, Kind en Gezin, Brussel (BELGIUM)
Session 18: Mental health: risk assessment for adolescents and students
- A preliminary risk screening algorithm for suicidal thoughts and behaviours at college entrance – Mortier Philippe, University of Leuven, Leuven; Kiekens Glenn, University of Leuven, Leuven; Auerbach Randy, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Cuijpers Pim, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam; Green Jennifer, Boston University, Boston; Kessler Ronald, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Nock Matthew, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Zaslavsky Alan, Harvard Medical School Boston; Demyttenaere Koen, University of Leuven, Leuven; Bruffaerts Ronny, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
The Child Suicide Review, a new approach in the Netherlands – Sijperda Onno, Regional Health NO Gelderland, Zwolle (NETHERLANDS)
Risk of suicidality in adolescents: a survey of a multi-ethnic sample of 14-years-olds living in the city of Antwerp with an adapted version of the Youth Monitor Rotterdam – Kluppels Kristel, Pupil Guidance Center De Wissel, Antwerpen; Portzky Gwendolyn, University of Ghent, Gent; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
What do adolescents want from us? Analyses of the kind of questions adolescents pose in the health check – Meuwissen Liesbeth, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; Eshuis Dianne, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; Geuzendam Cathy, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; de Jong Nicole, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten; Schuiling Carolijn, GGD Gelderland Midden, Houten (NETHERLANDS)
Feasibility of the Health Check in the Flemish School Health Centers – Vandewalle Nelly, Pupil Guidance Center, Kortrijk; Van Damme Caroline, Pupil Guidance Center, Brussel; Vanlander Anouk, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; Devriendt Ann, Flemish Scientific Association for Youth Health Care, Leuven; Hoppenbrouwers Karel, University of Leuven, Leuven (BELGIUM)
Workshop 8: Youth Health Care professionals: indispensable cooperation between disciplines (doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, assistants). What about your country?
Youth Health Care and its professionals: indispensable YHC-doctors, -nurse, nurse practitioners and assistants. What about your country? - Kamphuis Mascha, Association of Doctors in Youth Health Care (AJN) , Utrecht; van Kuppevelt Marja, Association of Nurses in Youth Health Care (V&VN), Utrecht (NETHERLANDS)
Workshop 9: Don’t shelter them too much! Environmental enrichment for children with developmental disabilities: from theory into practice
- Building bridges between childcare and education: a three year experience in an inclusive nursery in Flanders – Ballon Katleen & De Strooper Mieke, VZW Villa Clementina, Hofstade (BELGIUM)
Environmental enrichment for children with developmental disabilities: bridge from theory into practice… because it can! – Ballon Katleen, VZW Villa Clementina, Hofstade (BELGIUM)
Plenary Session IV
EUSCREEN: the evaluation of vision and hearing screening programs in Europe – Simonsz Huib, Ophtalmology, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, & Bussé Andrea, Audiology, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam (THE NETHERLANDS)
Closing Ceremony
Conclusive remarks to the XIXth EUSUHM-CONGRESS: Hoppenbrouwers Karel (Organising Committee)